Jumpi v1.2.0

Class OrderingController

All Implemented Interfaces:
Component, Configurable, Controller, Manageable, java.lang.Runnable, Status, Status, Task, TimerListener

public class OrderingController
extends AbstractController
implements Task, TimerListener, Status

The OrderingController enforces single send and single receive operation concurrency for each Destination. Submitting multiple sends or receives to a single Destination will cause the operations to be queued and processed in order.

Any number of Connectors are supported. A message is sent to or received from a single Connector, which is the first to support the Destination's Url, determined in configuration order. Supports any Destination Url syntax which the Connectors support.

The OrderingController maintains a cache of state per Destination. This is cleaned up at configurable timer intervals. The state per Destination contains a send and a receive pending queue for ordering operations. The cache size is also configurable.

The Destination Urls supported are those of the configured Connectors, without alteration.

Compatible with Connectors which have either single operation per Destination or multiple operation per Destination concurrency. Care must be taken with Connectors which only support a single send or receive operation irrespective of Destination, since this is not enforced by the OrderingController.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jumpi.impl.AbstractController
connectors_, joinFailInterval_, joinTestInterval_, jumpi_, name_, recvTransformer_, sendTransformer_, started_, stopping_
Fields inherited from interface org.jumpi.spi.Status
Fields inherited from interface org.jumpi.Status
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void callbackRecv(Envelope env, boolean success, java.lang.String status)
          Notify of the recv operation completion by the Connector layer.
 void callbackSend(Envelope env, boolean success, java.lang.String status)
          Notify of the send operation completion by the Connector layer.
 void cancelRecv(Destination dest, Handle hdl)
           Cancel the Handle.
 void cancelSend(Destination dest, Handle hdl)
           Cancel the Handle.
protected  boolean checkJoinCondition()
          The clean shutdown condition is met when there are no Destination states present in the Destination cache.
 void configure(java.lang.String name, Properties props)
           Configure the OrderingController.
 java.lang.String getTaskId()
          A unique name for the task in the VM.
 void handleTimerInterrupt()
          Schedule the cache cleanup task.
 boolean isLongRunning()
          The cleanup task is not long running.
 boolean isSchedulable()
          The Destination cache cleanup task is schedulable when started and there is a pending Destination state cleanup.
 void manage(Component root, Component parent, java.lang.String operation, java.util.Hashtable parameters)
          Perform a recursive management operation through the Jumpi component tree, using the parameters provided.
 Handle recv(Destination dest, java.util.Hashtable clientProps)
           Receive a message from the Destination.
 void run()
          The cache cleanup task which removes any Destination state which has no pending or active receive or send operations.
 Handle send(Destination dest, java.lang.Object msg, java.util.Hashtable clientProps)
           Send a message to a Destination.
protected  void shutdownState()
          In order to shutdown cleanly, each Destination state is taken in turn and any pending send or receive operations therein are failed.
Methods inherited from class org.jumpi.impl.AbstractController
getDestination, getName, transferInternalProperties
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OrderingController()
Method Detail


public void configure(java.lang.String name,
                      Properties props)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Configure the OrderingController.

The following configuration attributes are defined in addition to those of the superclass:

Specified by:
configure in interface Configurable
configure in class AbstractController
name - the fully qualified instance name.
props - the read-only properties to configure the instance with.
java.lang.Exception - when configuration is unsuccessful.


public void manage(Component root,
                   Component parent,
                   java.lang.String operation,
                   java.util.Hashtable parameters)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Perform a recursive management operation through the Jumpi component tree, using the parameters provided.

The following management actions are handled:

Specified by:
manage in interface Manageable
manage in class AbstractController
root - the Jumpi instance at the root of the component tree.
parent - the immediate parent of the component.
operation - the operation.
parameters - the operation parameters.
java.lang.Exception - if any failure to perform management occurs.


public java.lang.String getTaskId()
A unique name for the task in the VM.

Specified by:
getTaskId in interface Task
a unique name for the task in the VM.


public boolean isSchedulable()
The Destination cache cleanup task is schedulable when started and there is a pending Destination state cleanup.

Specified by:
isSchedulable in interface Task
true when started and Destination cache cleanup is scheduled.


public boolean isLongRunning()
The cleanup task is not long running.

Specified by:
isLongRunning in interface Task


protected boolean checkJoinCondition()
The clean shutdown condition is met when there are no Destination states present in the Destination cache.

Specified by:
checkJoinCondition in class AbstractController
true when the Destination cache is empty.


protected void shutdownState()
In order to shutdown cleanly, each Destination state is taken in turn and any pending send or receive operations therein are failed.

Specified by:
shutdownState in class AbstractController


public Handle send(Destination dest,
                   java.lang.Object msg,
                   java.util.Hashtable clientProps)

Send a message to a Destination. Send operations are serialized for each Destination. Send operations for separate Destinations are handled concurrently. Send operations are delegated to a single Connector which created the Destination in getDestination(). There is a 1:1 relationship between calls to send and those passed down to the Connector layer.

The message format required on entry is not defined since messages are handled as opaque objects, subject to send transformation once before passing to the Connector layer.

Send operations to multiple Destinations are handled concurrently, and also multiple send operations to the same Destination.

Blocking or non blocking depending on the synchronization of the send method of the Connector and whether there are already pending sends waiting to be sent to the Connector. If there are already pending sends, the send operation is queued and the caller returns immediately unless the limit to the pending send queue has been reached.

If the Connector's send method is synchronous then the Controller's send is also synchronous since the calling thread is used to delegate to the Connector. In completing the send at the Connector, the callbackSend causes queued sends to be sent to the Connector in a recursive fashion. Therefore if send operations are continually placed in the send queue then there is the danger of Stack overflow due to too deep recursion with the synchronous sending Controller. Therefore it is advisable to use the OrderingController only with asynchronous Connectors.

If the Connector's send method is asynchronous, then the Controller's send method is also asynchronous. The calling thread drives the send operation to the Connector, but it is the Connector's asynchronous completion of the operation which drives further pending operations.

The Handles passed to the Connector are given the STATUS_SENDING transient state until either cancelSend is called by the client application or callbackSend is called by the Connector.

Specified by:
send in interface Controller
send in class AbstractController
dest - the Destination to which the message is sent.
msg - the message to be sent.
clientProps - not used but delegated in the Envelope to the Connector.
a Handle associated to the send operation.


public void callbackSend(Envelope env,
                         boolean success,
                         java.lang.String status)
Notify of the send operation completion by the Connector layer. Since we only perform one send at a time, we expect to match up the last send Envelope with the returned value. This may not match up if a cancel took place, in which case a warning is logged. The next send operation which is queued pending the completion at the Connector layer is triggered to continue.

Specified by:
callbackSend in interface Controller
callbackSend in class AbstractController
env - the Envelope used in Connector.send
success - true if successfully sent or false if a failure ocured.
status - a message giving more information to the status.


public Handle recv(Destination dest,
                   java.util.Hashtable clientProps)

Receive a message from the Destination. Receive operations are serialized for each Destination. Receive operations for seperate Destinations are handled concurrently. Receive operations are delegated to a single Connector which created the Destination in getDestination(). There is a 1:1 relationship between calls to receive and those passed down to the Connector layer.

The message format required on entry is not defined since messages are handled as opaque objects, subject to receive transformation once before passing to the client application in the Handle.

Receive operations to multiple Destinations are handled concurrently, and also multiple receive operations to the same Destination.

Blocking or non blocking depending on the synchronization of the receive method of the Connector and whether there are already pending receives waiting to be sent to the Connector. If there are already pending receives, the receive operation is queued and the caller returns immediately unless the limit to the pending receive queue has been reached.

If the Connector's recv method is synchronous then the Controller's recv is also synchronous since the calling thread is used to delegate to the Connector. In completing the receive at the Connector, the callbackRecv causes queued receives to be sent to the Connector in a recursive fashion. Therefore if receive operations are continually placed in the receive queue then there is the danger of Stack overflow due to too deep recursion with the synchronous receiving Controller. Therefore it is advisable to use the OrderingController only with asynchronous Connectors.

If the Connector's recv method is asynchronous, then the Controller's recv method is also asynchronous. The calling thread drives the receive operation to the Connector, but it is the Connector's asynchronous completion of the operation which drives further pending operations.

The Handles passed to the Connector are given the STATUS_RECEIVING transient state until either cancelRecv is called by the client application or callbackRecv is called by the Connector.

Specified by:
recv in interface Controller
recv in class AbstractController
dest - the Destination from which a message is to be received.
clientProps - not used but delegated in the Envelope to the Connector.
a Handle associated to the recv operation.


public void callbackRecv(Envelope env,
                         boolean success,
                         java.lang.String status)
Notify of the recv operation completion by the Connector layer. Since we only perform one recv at a time, we expect to match up the last recv Envelope with the returned value. This may not match up if a cancel took place, in which case a warning is logged. The next recv operation which is queued pending the completion at the Connector layer is triggered to continue.

Specified by:
callbackRecv in interface Controller
callbackRecv in class AbstractController
env - Envelope which has received a message or has failed at a Connector.
success - true if successful, else false.
status - description of the status.


public void cancelSend(Destination dest,
                       Handle hdl)

Cancel the Handle. Several circumstances are possible depending on timing.

Firsly if the Handle corresponds to the Handle currently at the Connector layer for the Destination, then we cancel the Handle at the Connector layer. Once this completes, we need to perform the next send as if callbackSend had been called. Note that the callbackSend may be in a race condition with the cancel at the Connector, so that the callbackSend may or may not be called. We must assure that we do not send two messages to the Connector if the callbackSend does come through although we do cancel.

Another possibility is that the cancel belongs to a Handle which is not the current Handle registered at the Connector layer. We do not remove the cancelled Handle from the pending send list, but wait for the normal processing at callbackSend time to skip sending the Handle to the Connector layer.

Unknown Handles are ignored.

Specified by:
cancelSend in interface Controller
cancelSend in class AbstractController
dest - the Destination of the send operation associated to hdl.
hdl - the Handle associated with the send operation to cancel.


public void cancelRecv(Destination dest,
                       Handle hdl)

Cancel the Handle. Several circumstances are possible depending on timing.

Firsly if the Handle corresponds to the Handle currently at the Connector layer for the Destination, then we cancel the Handle at the Connector layer. Once this completes, we need to perform the next recv as if callbackRecv had been called. Note that the callbackRecv may be in a race condition with the cancel at the Connector, so that the callbackRecv may or may not be called. We must assure that we do not send two messages to the Connector if the callbackRecv does come through although we do cancel.

Another possibility is that the cancel belongs to a Handle which is not the current Handle registered at the Connector layer. We do not remove the cancelled Handle from the pending send list, but wait for the normal processing at callbackRecv time to skip sending the Handle to the Connector layer.

Unknown Handles are ignored.

Specified by:
cancelRecv in interface Controller
cancelRecv in class AbstractController
dest - the Destination of the send operation associated to hdl.
hdl - the Handle associated with the recv operation to cancel.


public void run()
The cache cleanup task which removes any Destination state which has no pending or active receive or send operations. Destination states are left in the cache since it is more efficient to reuse them than discard them immediately. Discarding takes place only when the number of Destination states in the cache has exceeded the maximum cache size.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public void handleTimerInterrupt()
Schedule the cache cleanup task.

Specified by:
handleTimerInterrupt in interface TimerListener
See Also:
Timer.interruptAt(long, org.jumpi.spi.component.TimerListener), Timer.interruptAfterDelay(long, org.jumpi.spi.component.TimerListener), Timer.interruptPeriodically(long, org.jumpi.spi.component.TimerListener, boolean)

Jumpi v1.2.0

Copyright © 2003, Peter Jonathan Klauser.